
Let’s Talk Sex | Aroused and Leaking? Understanding Precum and What It Means


Precum, or pre-ejaculate, is the clear fluid that comes out of the penis when a person is aroused however earlier than ejaculation. (Image for illustration: News18)

You’re making out together with your companion and out of the blue really feel some wetness down beneath. Don’t panic; it’s doubtless simply precum. Read this text to get the true insights about precum

Lets Talk Sex

Sex might permeate our common tradition, however conversations about it are nonetheless related to stigma and disgrace in Indian households. As a outcome, most people coping with sexual well being points or looking for details about intercourse typically resort to unverified on-line sources or observe the unscientific recommendation of their mates. To deal with the widespread misinformation about intercourse, is operating this weekly intercourse column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. We hope to provoke conversations about intercourse by this column and deal with sexual well being points with scientific perception and nuance

In this text, we’ll discover what precum is, what it does, and most significantly, debunk some cussed myths.

You’re making out together with your companion and out of the blue really feel some wetness down beneath. Don’t panic; it’s doubtless simply precum. Precum, or pre-ejaculate, is the clear fluid that comes out of the penis when a person is aroused however earlier than ejaculation. It’s a pure lubricant that helps make intercourse extra pleasurable and comfy. It is completely regular throughout arousal and sexual exercise. However, it’s possible you’ll be stunned at simply what number of guys have the flawed concept about this clear, watery liquid. Read this text to get the true insights about precum.

What Causes Precum to Be Released from the Penis?

Precum is brought on by the Cowper’s glands, two small glands positioned beneath the prostate. When a person is aroused, these glands secrete an alkaline fluid to neutralize any acidity within the urethra earlier than ejaculation. This helps sperm survive the journey out of the penis throughout ejaculation.

  • Increased blood movement: When a person turns into aroused, blood movement will increase to the genitals. This triggers the Cowper’s glands, to secrete small quantities of precum. The goal of precum is to neutralize any acidity within the urethra left over from urine, making ready it for the passage of sperm.
  • Arousal and stimulation: Precum is usually launched with arousal and bodily stimulation of the genitals. Things like kissing, touching, oral intercourse, or intercourse can set off precum to ooze from the tip of the penis. For some males, precum might even emerge from arousal alone with none direct stimulation.
  • Loss of management: Some males report that they expertise the discharge of precum once they have a lack of management over their arousal or are caught off guard by one thing arousing. The factor of shock or depth may cause precum to seep out, even when ejaculation has not occurred. For these males, the precum appears to be a bodily signal that they’ve reached a excessive degree of arousal and are near “the point of no return”.

While the quantity of precum launched can differ from man to man, most describe it as just a few drops of clear, sticky fluid.

Can Precum Contain Sperm? Can You Get Pregnant?

Precum, often known as pre-ejaculate fluid, is an odourless, colorless liquid that’s secreted when a person turns into aroused. Many individuals ponder whether precum accommodates sperm and if it may well result in being pregnant. The quick reply is: presumably.

  • Precum itself doesn’t comprise sperm: Precum is produced by the Cowper’s gland and accommodates pure lubricants and electrolytes. However, sperm might enter precum if any stays within the urethra from a earlier ejaculation. For this motive, there’s a likelihood that precum might comprise sperm, which might doubtlessly result in being pregnant if it enters the vagina.
  • The danger of being pregnant: While precum has the potential to select up any lingering sperm within the urethra, the focus is often a lot decrease than in common ejaculate. Studies estimate that there are nonetheless probabilities of being pregnant from precum throughout act of intercourse involving precum. Precum poses a decrease however nonetheless current danger of being pregnant.
  • Practicing protected intercourse greatest method to stop danger: The solely method to be 100% certain that precum gained’t result in being pregnant is by practising protected intercourse utilizing contraception like condoms, contraception drugs, IUDs or different strategies. While the probabilities of being pregnant from precum alone could also be small, if you’re sexually lively the dangers add up over time. It’s all the time greatest to be proactive and take advisable precautions.
  • Emergency contraception after intercourse involving precum: If you’ve had unprotected intercourse involving precum, emergency contraception similar to Plan B might help stop being pregnant. Plan B works by delaying ovulation to stop the egg and any sperm from assembly. For most effectiveness, Plan B ought to be taken inside 72 hours of intercourse.

Tips for Managing Precum

Precum is normally innocent, however it may well really feel annoying or embarrassing. Here are some suggestions that can assist you handle precum and really feel extra comfy.

  • Practice kegel workout routines: Kegel workout routines strengthen your pelvic ground muscle mass, which assist your bladder and reproductive organs. Stronger pelvic ground muscle mass may give you extra management over precum launch. To do Kegels, squeeze your pelvic ground muscle mass for 3-5 seconds, then launch. Repeat this 10-15 instances, just a few instances per day.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking loads of water retains your prostate wholesome and helps scale back precum manufacturing. Most consultants advocate 6-8 glasses of water per day for good hydration. Staying nicely hydrated will make you’re feeling higher total and might lower undesirable precum.
  • Reduce stimulation: The extra aroused you develop into, the extra precum is launched. To decrease precum, keep away from stimulating actions like watching express movies or extended foreplay. Take breaks to permit your arousal to lower earlier than stimulating once more.
  • Wear absorbent underwear: Tight-fitting underwear product of absorbent, breathable materials like cotton might help absorb precum because it’s launched. Change your underwear ceaselessly, particularly when you discover a considerable amount of precum. Loose-fitting boxers or going commando might enable extra precum to build up in your pants.
  • Talk to your physician: If precum is inflicting important misery or discomfort, discuss to your physician. They might be able to decide if an underlying situation like prostatitis or a prostate an infection is contributing to elevated precum manufacturing. Treatment choices like remedy or pelvic ground remedy might assist scale back your signs.

So, there you will have it. Precum is a traditional a part of the arousal course of for many guys. As lengthy as you’re sensible and use safety like condoms, you shouldn’t have a lot to fret about being pregnant. But when you ever discover any uncommon discharge or ache, discuss to your physician. Overall, don’t stress an excessive amount of about precum. It’s simply your physique’s method of preparing for the primary occasion. Enjoy the journey and attempt to not overthink the fluids. Your companions will respect your confidence and maturity in understanding this regular course of. Stay protected on the market!


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